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Cathy Knox

So that you know how things evolved to what they are today, back in 1994, after over 20 years in the corporate environment, Cathy resigned from a job in Houston, Texas, after it started giving her anxiety attacks on the daily commute to work. She began searching around the old CompuServe forums for a way to work from home using her computer skills and, wanting to keep her real identity private, used an email name of Alice Staffordshire. ("Alice" being the name of her pit bull dog, also known as a Staffordshire Terrier.) In the Entrepreneurs Forum she responded to a message from Maureen Robinson describing her program, Legal Services Institute (LSI), which offered training as a scopist. ("A what?") After doing some investigation into this intriguing niche profession, Cathy revealed her true identity to Maureen ("Mo") and signed up for the LSI course as their first student. Mo and her partner, Katie LaChance, helped Cathy learn the ins and outs of scoping and were very supportive all the way.

In July 1995, after scoping full-time for not quite a year, Cathy got a call from Money Magazine and was interviewed over the phone as part of a story on top home-based careers. The article appeared in the August 1995 issue of Money and hit the streets the week of the first NCRA convention to feature activities for scopists! Changing planes in Atlanta on the way from Houston to Cleveland to attend the convention turned out to be the first place Cathy first found the August issue of Money and naturally grabbed up a few copies! It was a totally unexpected thrill to have this "15 minutes of fame" and attend her first NCRA convention all at the same time!

The ripple effect from that article continued beyond the week of the NCRA convention. People began calling LSI and also tracking down Cathy through directory assistance to find out about this business of scoping and what the training was like, etc. One of these callers was Judy Rakocinski! Judy had just sold a successful gift basket business she had run out of her home in Fort Myers, Florida, and was looking for her next at-home business venture. After talking with Cathy via email and telephone and contacting LSI, Judy took the training program and she and Cathy became fast friends, often scoping for the same reporters.

Judy Rakocinski
In July of 1997, Cathy and Judy finally met for the first time in person, along with their families, at the NCRA convention in Orlando and had a wonderful chance to really get to know each other!

They stayed very busy scoping over the next several years and the Yahoo SSG email group was started in May of 2000 (this group is now on Facebook), followed by in May of 2001. In 2001 web design was added to their list of services, using the name of Websites by Mazco. BeST Scoping Techniques opened its doors March 1, 2002. February 2003 brought the addition of, which matches up the needs of a reporter with the services of a scopist and/or proofreader.

Cathy and Judy's friendship has been further blessed by their strong Christian faith. In November of 2001 they gave their web design business to the Lord and began regularly supporting Christian ministries with a portion of all Websites by Mazco income and watching for ways to glorify God through this work. They continue this conviction with the BeST scoping training program and rejoice when they are able to share their success with God.

To Grace Chapel

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