Can hardly tell us apart, can ya?

Cathy & Judy relaxing after a long travel day.

Judy with Lou - the BeST mom!

Back row: Janice Armstrong, Joyce Izor, Judy, Cathy, Terri (Terri-ble) Witherspoon.
Front row: Sandi (Joyce's cousin), Pat (O-Town) Walton, Tammy Gizzi, April (Girla) Frost

Janice Armstrong - brand-new BeST student!

April Girla

Terri, Sandi, Joyce

"Say Girla, is that a hamster you have there??"


Double yum!

Left to right: Janice, April, Lou, Judy, Cathy, Pat

J & C

What beautiful girls!!

Thank you again, Tammy!

Left to right: Lou, Joyce, Pat

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