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As a BeST grad, we will list you in our Professional Scopist Directory which is distributed to reporters and reporting agencies.

Press & Media

Testimonials & Kudos     [1]     [2]     [3]

Reporter Feedback

Articles & Interviews

(10/18) World of Freelancers:
BeST Scoping Techniques Online Course -
Interview with Teacher Judy Rakocinski

Press Release (9/08)
"Punctuation With a Purpose: A New Addition to the
Best Scoping Techniques Course"

Legitimate Work-At-Home Jobs:
Is there such a thing? (1/07)

Article on the Atkinson-Baker Court Reporters web site (2/04)
"The Perfect Scopist"

(8/03) This guide to working at home includes the BeST course description and links to our affiliated sites and

Press Release (7/03)

"In The Spotlight" Article (5/03)

"A Long Distance Partnership That Works" Interview (4/03)

Where It All Began: Money Magazine, August 1995

(Classrooms ~ Campus Directory)

Website by Best Scoping Techniques. All rights reserved.